Here is the latest Analytics from January 5, 2020 to February 1 , 2020 folks ! Watch time 521.5 minutes .....Views 6.7K...with thousands of views a month and hundreds of clips. Are you one of the 99? For $15 a week you can get a .15 second video, a changeable message in our message zone, your business logo playing 24/7 and you'll be a Whaler Sports TV sponsor. Oh, and we're only taking 99 members....Interested? Call Geno at 508-292-2203.

About Geno Tv

Hello and welcome to and Visitor Network TV are the umbrella websites for both dedicated Television Channels, Geno99 (channel 99) Nantucket and the 26 towns of Downeast TV (channel 5) broadcasting out of Machias Maine.
Both channels produce content that is specific and local to each station. Content includes two minute advertising ads (, documentaries, vox pop interviews, a talk show (Front Up), where different hosts representing their community, “front up” and invite local folk to discuss topics of interest. will have all the clips from his famous travel shows from around the world. Both stations cover lectures and meetings..

About Geno Tv

Hello and welcome to is the umbrella website for both TV17 Nantucket and the 26 towns of Downeast TV channel 5 broadcasting out of Machias Maine.

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PO Box 1042
Nantucket MA, 02554

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